
Merlinite Gabbro / Indigo Gabbro / Mystic Merlinite - Palm Stone


Merlinite Gabbro Palm Stone

Ethically sourced from Madagascar

Indigo Gabbro, also known as Mystic Merlinite, is a meditation stone that allows us to harness our true nature, understand ourselves better, and increase our vibration. It cleanses and softens our aura, enhances intuition, and brings forth hidden talents and skills. It can spark psychic abilities and grant us the ability to see visions.

Approx 70 - 100g, 5 x 4 cm

You will receive 1 chosen at random


Associated with the Third Eye Chakra

Associated with the horoscopes Scorpio Sagittarius & Aquarius  

Disclaimer: Crystal healing is a complementary therapy and should not replace the advice of medical professionals. The information found on this site is not medical advice and the effectiveness of the healing properties of this product cannot be guaranteed.

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